Have you been strolling through your local Bucks County, PA garden center this fall? If so, you probably spotted garden mums. Specifically, the plant, chrysanthemum!
Mums are a wonderful plant of the day selection because they are perfect for fall. The plant has bold autumn colors including red, yellow, orange, pink and more.
Read more below for care information!
Sun: For the most beautiful blooms the plant needs direct sunlight. If that is not possible, the National Chrysanthemum Society states that three hours of full sunlight daily will be sufficient enough. Be careful not to give them too much shade. This will cause less blooms and limping stems.
Soil: Make sure the soil does not become too dry. Mums cannot handle extreme drought conditions. The best way to see if your mums need water, is to reach and feel the dampness of the soil. If it feels dry, it needs water. If it feels damp, you can probably skip. Be sure to water the roots directly and not on the blooms. The soil should be well drained and not too clay-like. If your soil has too much clay you may have to amend the soil.
Watering: Generally one inch of water per week should do the trick. Depending on the weather. With more hot weather, water more. WIth more rain, water less. Once the ground becomes cool, you can stop watering.
Mulch: 2-3 inches of mulch should be added around the plant. The mulch will act as a insulator and retain moisture.
Overwintering: The mums need to be established to overwinter properly. If you install the plant in the spring, by the time to cold weather hits, the roots should be hardy enough to survive harsh weather. You will need to cut back the plant so that it is slightly off the ground.This will make sure that your plant grows healthy next year.