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Fall Blooms & Sunflowers

Fall Blooms & Sunflowers

Don’t put those garden tools away just yet! Too many miss out on these prime autumn landscaping months. Perennials, shrubs, trees all of your Spring dreams are made possible – now!

Many know that Fall is an ideal time for planting grass seed, but, it doesn’t end there. Everything from planting, pruning, fertilizing even mulching is highly recommended at this time for the healthiest of garden beds.

Benefits This Season Brings

Soil temperature & Cooler air temperature

While the air gets cooler the soil stays warm from months of Summer sun. Warmer soil temperatures encourage seed germination and root growth. The roots continue to grow until the ground freezes, leaving plenty of time for them to settle well.

Colder nighttime temperatures signal to plants Winter is on it’s way. Energy is refocused underground, slowing top growth and keeping roots protected. The perfect natural preventative against cold damage.

Giving your plants a good head start on root development by planting in Fall, directly translates to strong & healthy growth come Spring.

Also as a bonus for the gardeners, it is nice to not be baking in the hot sun.

Predictable Precipitation

Unlike Spring with more rain than one knows what to do with or Summer where there can be no rain for weeks – Fall provides fairly consistent rainfall. Avoid planting in wet soggy or desert dry soil which could do harm.

Plants and gardeners alike can destress knowing consistent precipitation has got watering covered.

Optimal Time to Fertilize/Mulch

With the upcoming cold months, adding a fresh layer gives your plant the best chance of survival and the nutrients needed to thrive. If you think mulching right before winter would be a waste – your Spring blooms reaching full potential rely on it.

I like to imagine it’s like wrapping a blanket around your leafy friends.

Less Weed Competion

Less weeds is sure a blessing for not only our backs but freshly planted plants. Weeds compete over sunshine, water & root space underground – Fall planting eliminates this concern.

A New Look

Moving into the colder months as the leaves drop, one gets a new perspective on the world around them. Many places are made visible by the bare branches – areas lacking, overgrown, covered with debris. These things may be out of sight out mind for a portion of the year but can lead to harm later on.

Good Thing Jamison Lawn Care provides many Fall services to ensure the health of your landscaping new or old!

Flower of the Month: Sunflowers

June to October, these radiant yellow beauties can be seen. Following the sun from morning til night. Towering 12ft, 16ft, sometimes even taller – a true tribute to the sun.

If you missed out on cultivating your own, take a trip to any store with a seasonal aisle to get a quick fix. That and set a timer for next year to get those seeds in the ground. Don’t let fall blooms sneak past you again.



Bonus tip – Plant shrubs with a variation of colorful bark for an appealing winter landscape.